Packages Offered

P2 Electrical Contractors offers these Basic packages. They include but not limited to:

Manual plug-in transfer switches

This will enable you to use your own generator to back up essential items such as: fridges and furnaces however limits the amount of load able to be backed up and requires the homeowner to shed necessary loads.

Automatic transfer switch with 16 space load shedding panel and generator

This enables the use of a small Generac generator to back up 16 essential circuits for your home. This option costs more than the manual option however provides automatic emergency standby. This option gives you peace of mind because whether you hunkered down for a storm or away from your house you know that your items will be backed up.

Automatic Transfer switch with whole house generator

This option is the most preferred method due to the worry free of load shedding. This enables the whole house to be backed up by one generator automatically. This allows you to go about your daily business and not worry about what items you may not be able to use during a power outage event.